Nursing Diagnosis of overweight and related factors in adolescents
Nursing, adolescent, overweight.Abstract
Objective. The objective of the study was to compare the related factors to the nursing diagnosis (ND) of overweight in adolescents with and without overweight.
Methodology. Transversal study conducted in 2013 with 347 adolescents that attended public schools in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, answered a questionnaire and had anthroprometric evaluation. The subjects were divided into two groups, the group without ND (n=247) and the group with ND (n=100).
Results. The prevalence of adolescents with ND overweight was 28.8%. The groups presented an unsatisfactory frequency of physical activity and a low consumption of healthy foods. The group with the ND overweight showed greater chance of consuming sweets and fried foods. The group with ND overweight had higher frequency of history family of illnesses.
Conclusion. The prevalence of the ND overweight among adolescents in the public schools of Natal constitute a relevant nutritional deviance and the associated factors diet and family history disease are an alert for nursing in activities of prevention and follow-up for this population.
How to cite this article: Vieira CENK, Enders BC, Coura AS, Lira ALBC, Medeiros CCM, Mariz LS. Nursing Diagnosis of overweight and related factors in adolescents. Invest Educ Enferm. 2015; 33(3):
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