Association between risk factors for hypertension and the Nursing Diagnosis overweight in adolescents


  • Caroline Evelin Nascimento Kluczynik Viera Nurse, Ph.D. Student. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Larissa Soares Mariz Nurse, Ph.D. Student. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Dândara Nayara Azevêdo Dantas Nurse, Ph.D. Student. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Dayane Jéssyca Cunha de Menezes Nurse. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Márcia Camila Dantas Rêgo Nurse. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Bertha Cruz Enders Nurse, Ph.D. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:



Nursing, overweight, adolescent, risk factors, hypertension.


Objective. To identify associations between the risk factors for hypertension and the nursing diagnosis of overweight in adolescents.

Methods. Cross-sectional study conducted in 2013 with 347 teenagers attending schools in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, who answered a form about the socioeconomic profile, physical activity, eating habits and family history of disease and who underwent physical examination. For analytical analysis, two groups were formed: students with the Nursing Diagnosis overweight (n=100) and students without this diagnosis (n=247).

Results. the risk factors for hypertension associated with the Nursing Diagnosis were: abdominal obesity (OR=40.0), food intake rich in sugar and fat (OR=40.0), family history of hypertension (OR=6.9), obesity and diabetes (OR=2.0), abnormal systolic and diastolic blood pressure (OR=5.5).

Conclusion. the risk factors for hypertension that presented association with the Nursing Diagnosis overweight were abdominal obesity, eating habits, family history of diseases and abnormal blood pressure. These findings may contribute to prevent hypertension in adolescents, in that it directs the gaze of nurses to develop effective measures to address these risk factors.


How to cite this article: Vieira C, Mariz L, Dantas D, Menezes D, Rêgo M, Enders B. Association between risk factors for hypertension and the Nursing Diagnosis overweight in adolescents. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2016; 34(2):

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How to Cite

Kluczynik Viera, C. E. N., Soares Mariz, L., Azevêdo Dantas, D. N., Cunha de Menezes, D. J., Dantas Rêgo, M. C., & Cruz Enders, B. (2016). Association between risk factors for hypertension and the Nursing Diagnosis overweight in adolescents. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 34(2).




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