Use of digital applications in the medicament calculation education for nursing


  • Francisco Gilberto Fernandes Pereira Nurse, Master´s Degree. Assistant Professor of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Campus Senador Helvídio Nunes de Barros (CSHNB), Piauí, Brazil. email:
  • Joselany Afio Caetano Nurse, Ph.D. IV Adjunct Professor of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Campus Porangabuçu, Fortaleza, Brazil. email:
  • Natasha Marques Frota Nurse, Ph.D. I Adjunct Professor of the Estácio of Ceará University Center (Estácio/FIC), Ceará, Brazil. email:
  • Maguida Gomes da Silva Nurse. Ph.D. Estácio of Ceará University Center (Estácio/FIC), Ceará, Brazil. email:



Educational technology, nursing informatics, teaching materials, education, nursing.


Objective. To evaluate the influence of the use of digital applications in medicament calculation education for nursing students.

Methods. An experimental study was developed with a sample of 100 nursing students, who were divided randomly into two groups (use of the Calculation Medicines – CalcMed application – available free on the Internet, n=50) and control (conventional method of the calculator use and pre-math skills, n=50). Both groups were assessed before and after the application of the teaching strategy through a test with ten specific questions of medicament calculations.

Results. The study group showed a mean score of 8.14 versus an average of 5.02 in the control group. The average time of test execution was faster in the study group compared to the control group (15.7 versus 38.9 minutes).

Conclusion. The strategy of using this application positively influences learning and enables greater security in the implementation of medicament calculations.


How to cite this article: Pereira FGF, Caetano JÁ, Frota NM, Silva MG. Use of digital applications in the medicament calculation education for nursing. Research Education Nursing. 2016; 34(2):

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How to Cite

Fernandes Pereira, F. G., Afio Caetano, J., Marques Frota, N., & Gomes da Silva, M. (2016). Use of digital applications in the medicament calculation education for nursing. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 34(2).




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