Quality of life of women with pre-and post-operative breast cancer


  • Larissa Dell’Antônio Pereira Nurse, Master. State Health Secretary, Vitória-ES, Brazil. email: lissadellantonio@gmail.com
  • Camila Brandão-Souza Nurse, Master. Universidade Federal de São Paulo –UFES-, São Paulo-SP, Brazil. email: ufesmila_enfer@yahoo.com.br
  • Maria Aparecida Amaral Musso Dentist, Master. UFES, Vitória-ES, Brazil. email: aparecidaestrela2@gmail.com
  • Marcela Vieira Calmon Dentist, Master. Coordinator of the Dentistry course at the Pítágoras de Linhares University, Brazil. email: marcelacalmon@yahoo.com.br
  • Sebastião Benício Costa Neto Psychologist, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Brazil. email: sebastiaobenicio@gmail.com
  • Maria Helena Monteiro de Barros Miotto Dentist, Ph.D. Associate Professor, UFES, Vitória-ES, Brazil. email: mhmiotto@terra.com.br
  • Eliana Zandonade Statistical, Ph.D. Associate Professor, UFES, Vitória-ES, Brazil. email: elianazandonade@uol.com.br
  • Maria Helena Costa Amorim Nurse, Ph.D. Full Professor, UFES, Brazil. email: mhcamorim@yahoo.com.br




Quality of life, breast neoplasms, women's health, nursing.


Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate the Quality of Life (QOL) at the pre and postoperative time of women with breast cancer submitted to surgery and to associate it with the socioeconomic class.

Methods. This is a longitudinal study, performed at Santa Rita de Cássia Hospital (HSRC), Vitória - ES, Brazil. The EORTC QLQ instrument C-30 and the EORTC BR-23 were used to measure the QOL of the interviewees before and after breast surgery.

Results. A population composed of 87 women, 42.5% were 60 years old or more. The socioeconomic condition C was identified as predominant among the interviewees, covering 62% of the sample (n=54). Women´s QOL in the preoperative period was better in the Physical Function dimensions for class C and D; and the Emotional was better for class B. There was improvement in QOL after surgery for Body Image in class C, and for Social Function in B. Evaluating all social classes, only the dimensions Cognitive Function and Future Perspectives improved in the postoperative period.

Conclusion. The quality of life of women after breast surgery worsened in most of the studied dimensions, evidencing the need for an interdisciplinary work dedicated to the recovery and rehabilitation of these patients.


How to cite this article: Pereira LDA, Brandão-Souza C, Musso MAA, Calmon  MV, Neto SBC, Miotto MHMB, et al. Quality of life of women with pre-and post-operative breast cancer. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2016; 35(1):

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Author Biographies

Larissa Dell’Antônio Pereira, Nurse, Master. State Health Secretary, Vitória-ES, Brazil. email: lissadellantonio@gmail.com


Sebastião Benício Costa Neto, Psychologist, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Brazil. email: sebastiaobenicio@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Dell’Antônio Pereira, L., Brandão-Souza, C., Amaral Musso, M. A., Vieira Calmon, M., Costa Neto, S. B., Monteiro de Barros Miotto, M. H., Zandonade, E., & Costa Amorim, M. H. (2017). Quality of life of women with pre-and post-operative breast cancer. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 35(1). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v35n1a13




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