Family orientation group as a strategy for care in chemical codependency


  • Michele Peixoto da Silva Social Worker, Master. Rio Grande City Hall, RS - Brazil.Email:
  • Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira PhD in Nursing. Professor of the nursing school of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Email:
  • Priscila Arruda da Silva Nurse, PhD. Federal University of Rio Grande, RS - Brazil. Junior postdoctoral fellow/CNPQ. Email:
  • Simone Algeri Nurse, PhD. Professor. Federal University of Rio Grande, Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil. Email:
  • Maria Cristina Flores Soares Physiotherapist, PhD. Federal University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, RS – Brazil. Email:



Family, substance-related disorders, codependency (psychology), therapeutic community, family therapy, communication, qualitative research.


Objective. To determine the importance of the family support group in the treatment of codependency, based in reports made by relatives of a therapeutic community for drug addicts. 

Methods. Study conducted in a therapeutic community for alcohol and other drug addicts in a city in the southern extreme of Brazil. This is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research with eight drug addict relatives. Data collection occurred through semi-structured interviews and the use of a field diary, focusing on the family orientation group as a space for the health promotion of family members of psychoactive substance users.  

Results. Through discursive analysis, it was found that the family orientation group constitutes an important tool of educational character, capable of responding to the family demands of chemical dependence, as well as rethinking and modifying attitudes and characteristic behaviors of co-dependence. 

Conclusion.The support group is fundamental as a care strategy for codependent families, and may act more effectively when professionals are trained to intervene in the phenomenon of codependency.

How to cite this article: Silva MP, Oliveira AMN, Silva PA, Algeri S, Soares MCF. Family orientation group as care strategy in chemical codependency. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2019; 37(3):e08.

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How to Cite

Peixoto da Silva, M., Netto de Oliveira, A. M., Arruda da Silva, P., Algeri, S., & Flores Soares, M. C. (2019). Family orientation group as a strategy for care in chemical codependency. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 37(3).




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