Professional and ethical values in Nursing practice: An Indian Perspective
ethics, nursing, professionalism, social values, cross-sectional studies, IndiaAbstract
Objective. This study was carried out to examine professional and ethical values related to the profession from nurses' perspectives.
Methods. This was a cross-sectional survey carried out among 124 randomly selected nurses working at a tertiary care hospital in South India. The data was collected using Nursing Professional Values scale (NPVS-3). This tool consisted of 28 items to assess nurses’ professional values in three domains namely; Caring (10 items), activism(10items), and professionalism (8items). The maximum range of scores is 28–140. The higher the score, the stronger the nurse’s professional value orientation.
Results. The mean total score of the Professional Value scale was high (121.07±15.32). The mean score of the participants was higher in the caring domain (44.02±5.75) than activism (42.19±6.33) and professionalism domains (34.86±4.27). Pearson correlational analysis revealed that nurses with less experience had greater mean professional values score than nurses with higher experience (p<0.01).
Conclusion. The present study showed that nurses have high professional and ethical values, although they perceive that the most important values are those related to direct patient care. Continuing education programs should be designed so that nurses understand that nonclinical professional values are also equally important in promoting the nursing profession.
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