Nursing Professionals within the Intergenerational Context during the 20th and 21st Centuries: an Integrative Review




veterans, intergeneration interval, nurses, delivery of health care


Objective. To describe the generational differences and similarities existing among nursing professionals of the 20th and 21st centuries and how these have influenced on the evolution of the profession.

Methods. Integrative review according to the methodology by Whittemore and Knafl. The key words used for the search were: nurses, intergenerational relations, Veterans, Baby Boom, X generation, and Millennials.

Results. The electronic search process yielded 10 documents (eight articles and two theses), all within the Anglo-Saxon environment (4 in Canada, 5 in the United States, and 1 in Australia). The documents recovered determined three principal themes: the intergenerational nursing workforce (n = 7), recruiting and retention within an intergenerational workforce (n = 2), and tutoring within an intergenerational nursing workforce (n = 1). The four generations of nursing professionals (X, Y, Baby Boomers, and Veterans) have different aptitudes, social and cultural setting, that coexist within the same work staff.

Conclusion. This study establishes the legitimacy of the intergenerational differences as an important variable of social categorization. The findings have the potential to improve generational comprehension and promote a more cohesive culture in clinical practice settings, besides conserving the legacy of the four generations of nursing professionals contributing to outline the identity of the nurses through the conservation of social, cultural, and professional experiences.

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Author Biographies

Susana Rollan Oliveira, Universidad de Alicante

Nurse, PhD candidate. Universidad de Alicante, Spain. Email:

José Siles González, Universidad de Alicante

Nurse, PhD. Professor. Universidad de Alicante, Spain. Email:


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How to Cite

Rollan Oliveira, S., & Siles González, J. (2021). Nursing Professionals within the Intergenerational Context during the 20th and 21st Centuries: an Integrative Review. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 39(3).




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