Experiences and Perceptions in Dyads about Ostomy Care. Meta-synthesis of Qualitative Studies


  • Mónica Paola Quemba Mesa Universidad de Boyacá https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5646-6123
  • Jenny Katherine Diaz Fernández Universidad de Boyacá
  • Leidy Yemile Vargas Rodríguez Universidad de Boyacá https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8428-4589
  • Leila Bautista Plazas University Teaching Specialist
  • Sandra Patricia Pulido Barragán




caregivers, ostomy, patients, perceptions, nursing


Objective. To understand the experiences and perceptions of care dyads (person and caregiver) when having a permanent discharge ostomy.

Methods. Meta-synthesis that followed the ENTREQ standards and was registered in PROSPERO CRD42020221755; It was developed in three phases: (i). Search for studies in academic search engines, with MeSH terms: [(Patients) AND (Ostomy)) AND (Caregivers)], including qualitative primary studies published between 2000 and 2020; (ii). Assessment of the methodological quality with the CORE-Q instrument and the credibility of qualitative findings under the guidelines of the Johanna Briggs Institute; and (iii). Comparative analysis according to the guidelines by Sandelowski and Barroso.

Results. The work identified 664 studies; in screening, 35 passed to full-text analysis; 22 to methodological quality evaluation; and 10 to meta-synthesis. The study found 43 qualitative findings that constituted four categories: dyads perform instrumental and emotional care; ambivalent family caregiving feelings and actions; assertive and effective family care; and rejection of bodily changes and sexual dysfunction. These categories constitute the central meta-theme: “The dyads experience a life rupture, which is restored in a sea of ​ambivalent ​emotions and learning; at the same time, affective, instrumental and assertive care is constructed”.

Conclusions: People who experience having a permanent discharge ostomy express their rejection to the change in bodily image, alterations in sexual life and as a couple. Caregivers and families are the main source of support by being facilitators in self-care, through relationships of mutuality and reciprocity.

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2022-06-27 — Updated on 2023-09-20


How to Cite

Quemba Mesa, M. P., Diaz Fernández, J. K., Vargas Rodríguez, L. Y., Bautista Plazas, L., & Pulido Barragán, S. P. (2023). Experiences and Perceptions in Dyads about Ostomy Care. Meta-synthesis of Qualitative Studies. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 40(2). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v40n2e12 (Original work published June 27, 2022)




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