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Conceptual Models and Theories Applied to Nursing Education in Intercultural Contexts: State of the Art


  • Adriana Lucia Valdéz Fernández



education, cultural competency, nursing, models, nursing care


Objective. To analyze academic production about nursing models and theories in intercultural contexts applied to the field
of education.

Methods. State-of-the-art study, which examined 50 articles from research.

Results. Application of the cultural competence model was found as a trend at disciplinary level, and in at interdisciplinary level, critical pedagogy was used. Regarding the curriculum, it is observed that cultural competency is a subject that is taught, but it is not treated in transversal manner. The principal didactics was cultural immersion, which permits acquiring skills and aptitudes to care for diverse population. The evaluation in the educational act centered on characterizing the level of acquisition of cultural competency. The gaps indicate the difficulty of applying the models and theories in practice scenarios, while the recommendations focus on the importance of teacher training in cultural competency.

Conclusion. Interculturality is approached as a borrowed theory that, from education, contributes to the nursing practice from training that vindicates situational knowledge and its articulation with ethics permits developing skills to relate with others who have their own views regarding health care.

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2023-06-20 — Updated on 2023-06-24


How to Cite

Valdéz Fernández, A. L. (2023). Conceptual Models and Theories Applied to Nursing Education in Intercultural Contexts: State of the Art. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 41(2). (Original work published June 20, 2023)

