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Social determinants of health and exclusive breastfeeding: a longitudinal study


  • Ananda Larisse Bezerra da Silva
  • Elizabete Regina Araújo Oliveira
  • Wanessa Lacerda Poton
  • Andreia Soprani dos Santos
  • Susana Bubach
  • Maria Helena Monteiro de Barros Miotto



breastfeeding, social determinants of health, newborn


Objective. To analyze the social determinants of health of exclusive breastfeeding on the 7th and 27th day after delivery.

Methods. A longitudinal, multicenter study with a quantitative approach was conducted with postpartum women and newborns in three maternity hospitals in the state of Espírito Santo (Brazil). The sample consisted of 2,325 and 1,819 mother/baby pairs on the 7th and 27th day, respectively. The variables that most influence women in exclusive breastfeeding were assessed by logistic regression.

Results. The rate of exclusive breastfeeding seven days after delivery was 80.7% and 79.2% on the 27th day. The social determinants of health up to the 27th day after delivery that were related to exclusive breastfeeding aimed at the mother were: mother's age up to 19 years (OR 1.9); and in newborns, the following stood out: full-term baby (OR 2.2) and no difficulty in EBF (OR=8.8).

Conclusion. The relationship between social determinants of health such as maternal age, gestational age of the baby at birth and difficulties in breastfeeding influence the practice of EBF.

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How to Cite

Bezerra da Silva, A. L., Araújo Oliveira, E. R., Lacerda Poton, W., dos Santos , A. S., Bubach, S., & Monteiro de Barros Miotto, M. H. (2024). Social determinants of health and exclusive breastfeeding: a longitudinal study. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 42(3).




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