International trends in nursing care


  • Ángela María Salazar Maya Enfermera, Doctora en Enfermería. Profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad de Antioquia. Vinculada al Grupo de investigación de la Práctica de Enfermería en el Contexto Social, Colombia. email:



Trends; nursing care; health systems; technology; health transition.


Nursing care international trends, which are changing in an unexpected  pace  internationally,  are  discussed  in  the  article.  Aging, urbanization and globalization consequences accelerate the propagation  of  transmissible  diseases  worldwide,  and  increase  the load of chronic and degenerative diseases. Health care systems contexts, every time more complex, are concerned about increases in the sanitary expenses, disparity in the health care attention and short stance hospitalization. Health care users in the future will be mostly over 65 years old, with multisystem and chronic diagnosis,  with  more  knowledge  about  health,  disease  and  the score systems of health care providers. Nursing, health care team axis will be characterized by professionals’ scarcity in a highly technological context, in which care will be based on the interpersonal multi paradigm relationship of scientific research, with a real tendency to standard care. As a discipline, nursing will keep strengthening its body knowledge. Nursing autonomy will be of great transcendence, developing own responsibilities and assuring care management.

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How to Cite

Salazar Maya, Ángela M. (2011). International trends in nursing care. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 29(2).

