Compensation of DC-link voltage oscillations in grid connected PV systems


  • Carlos Andrés Ramos Paja National University of Colombia
  • Giovanni Petrone University of Salerno
  • Andrés Julian Saavedra Montes National University of Colombia



dc/dc converter, grid connection, maximum power point tracking, PV system


This paper presents a compensation technique to mitigate the effect of DClink voltage oscillations on PV systems. The main features of the technique are: the compensation is applied directly to the duty cycle, so it is simple to integrate with traditional maximum power point tracking systems; and the compensation calculation does not depend on the systems parameters, so its design is general. Explicit equations are provided for PV systems based on Boost, Buck and Buck-Boost dc/dc converters. Finally, the proposed approach is experimentally verified.

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How to Cite

Ramos Paja, C. A., Petrone, G., & Saavedra Montes, A. J. (2012). Compensation of DC-link voltage oscillations in grid connected PV systems. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (63), 82–92.

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