Analysis of trip distribution modeling for different socio-economic categories at the Valle de Aburrá


  • Carlos Alberto Gonzáles-Calderón University of Antioquia
  • Ivan Sarmiento Ordosgoitia National University of Colombia



trip distribution, socio-economic categories, modeling


This paper is about the analysis of trip distribution modeling for different socioeconomic categories at the Metropolitan Area of the Valle de Aburrá for the year 2005. The gravity model was applied using the software TransCAD. This model determines the trips between two zones in accordance with the generation and attraction of trips between related zones and an impedance function that depends on the travel time-cost between zones. The model was analyzed for different AM and PM peak hour periods and for different purposes: study, work and other, finding that the negative exponential is the impedance function which adapts best to the models for the different socio-economic categories.

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Author Biographies

Carlos Alberto Gonzáles-Calderón, University of Antioquia

Faculty of Engineering.

Ivan Sarmiento Ordosgoitia, National University of Colombia

Department of Civil Engineering.


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How to Cite

Gonzáles-Calderón, C. A., & Sarmiento Ordosgoitia, I. (2012). Analysis of trip distribution modeling for different socio-economic categories at the Valle de Aburrá. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (64), 115–125.