New factor for voltage sags characterization


  • Edwin García Quintero University of Antioquia
  • Fernando Villada Duque University of Antioquia
  • Diego Cadavid Carmona University of Antioquia



voltage sags, characterization of voltage sags, index for voltage sags, power quality


A new factor which allows characterizing voltage sags in an individual way is presented in this paper. The factor acts revises and identifies voltage sags in a univocal way. In order to verify such characterization, the proposed factor is applied and compared with other reported factors, such as: not supplied energy (referred to in IEEE P1564 Norm) which is widely used for obtaining some important indexes for a series of real registrations measured on the electric network and to others obtained by simulations. The effect of voltage sags on the behavior of some sensitive elements is also analyzed. The idea is to contrast results and overcome some lacks presented by the most used characterization factors nowadays. The new proposed factor will be useful for obtaining indexes, among many other applications.

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Author Biographies

Edwin García Quintero, University of Antioquia

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.

Fernando Villada Duque, University of Antioquia

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.

Diego Cadavid Carmona, University of Antioquia

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.


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How to Cite

García Quintero, E., Villada Duque, F., & Cadavid Carmona, D. (2012). New factor for voltage sags characterization. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (59), 86–97.