Evaluation of resistance to erosion-corrosion of nickel coatings modified with diamond nanoparticles
electroplating, nanoparticles, diamond, nickel composite coatingsAbstract
The incorporation of nanoparticles of carbides, nitrides, oxides or diamond in a metal matrix, generally show improvements in hardness, resistance to wear and corrosion, compared with a coating of pure metal. These composite coatings can be obtained by electrodeposition techniques, achieving economy and quality deposits. Coatings of nickel-modified diamond nanoparticles (Ni-D) were applied on AISI-SAE 1016 steel using the electrodeposition technique from a typical Watts solution without additives and containing diamond nanoparticles. The effect of some variables involved in the electroplating process on the hardness, corrosion resistance and erosion-corrosion of the coatings were studied. Current density, stirring speed and particle concentration in the bath were evaluated using a factorial design completely randomized 2k. The resistance to corrosion-erosion was evaluated by monitoring the corrosion potential of the coated samples subjected to a corrosive and abrasive fluid. It was found that the composite coatings of Ni-D show better resistance to erosion-corrosion that those of pure nickel coatings. The coatings more resistant to corrosion-erosion were obtained at 5 A/dm2, 900 rpm and 10 g / L diamond.
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