Adaptive fuzzy control applied to a fermentation system of continuous alcohol flow


  • Andrés Escobar Díaz Francisco José de Caldas District University
  • Cesar Hernández Francisco José de Caldas District University
  • Juan Pablo Arguello Fajardo Francisco José de Caldas District University



controller, fuzzy logic, adaptive control, inference, inverse model, strategy of tuning, learning


The FRMLC, Fuzzy Reference Model Learning Control has been studied as a method for tuning fuzzy controllers. Its performance has been evaluated in a fermentation system with continuous alcohol fl ow which is characterized as a non lineal dynamics. Parameters vary with time in non lineal dynamics. A method of innovative tuning was employed which implicates a Matlab development that facilitates the study of the control technique FRMLC. It allowed building tuning methodologies for the application of that technique in different processes.

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Author Biographies

Andrés Escobar Díaz, Francisco José de Caldas District University

Faculty of Technology.

Cesar Hernández, Francisco José de Caldas District University

Faculty of Technology.

Juan Pablo Arguello Fajardo, Francisco José de Caldas District University

Faculty of Technology.


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How to Cite

Escobar Díaz, A., Hernández, C., & Arguello Fajardo, J. P. (2013). Adaptive fuzzy control applied to a fermentation system of continuous alcohol flow. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (58), 105–113.