Software agents based simulation for the assessment of technical indicators


  • Alejandro Escobar National University of Colombia
  • Julián Moreno National University of Colombia
  • Sebastián Múnera National University of Colombia



software agents, technical analysis, continuous double auction, simulation


Considering the inconvenients that the assessment of technical indicators may handle in a real stock market, an agent based simulation model is presented in this document as an alternative where two micro aspects are considered for this kind of systems: agents’ decision making mechanisms and the continuous double auction protocol through which transactions are made. In particular, the following indicators are analyzed in an empirical way: Simple, Double and Triple Weighted Moving Averages; Momentum, ROC, MACD and RSI throughout a series of simulations for 280 agents adding also external factors that may affect prices by using a Brownian motion model.

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How to Cite

Escobar, A., Moreno, J., & Múnera, S. (2013). Software agents based simulation for the assessment of technical indicators. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (58), 123–132.