Fluidised bed airlift reactors with internal circulation: hydrodynamics and carrier characterization
fluidized bed, internal loop, liquid velocity, gas holdup, oxygen mass transfer, aerobic reactorAbstract
Aerobic internal-loop reactors use active biomass attached in a supporting media (biofilm) with the advantage of retaining a big biomass concentration in a small physical space, removing carbonaceous matter and nitrogen in only one reactor. Liquid circulation occurs due to hydrostatic pressure difference produced by air injection in the riser. In biphasic conditions liquid circulation velocities, gas holdup and oxygen transfer coefficient in four different reactor configurations were studied. For the three-phase conditions, the same parameters in just one of those configurations were evaluated. Also, there were three granular supporting media characterized. On the other hand, the relationship between internal and external tube areas and supporting media concentrations influence the liquid velocity, gas holdup and oxygen mass transfer values and some important supporting media characteristics were observed and compared.
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