Design and implementation of a digital electrocardiographic system


  • Cristian Vidal Silva University of Talca
  • Valeska Gatica Rojas University of Talca



ECG, DSP, electrocardiogram, QRS complex, digital filters, algorithms


To work with bioelectrical signals of the human body is not an easy work. It is necessary to know some biological and electric aspects of the human body. This paper describes necessary knowledge and steps for designing and implementing a digital system for acquisition and processing of an electric human body signal: electrocardiographic signal (EKG). Some of the most important aspects to be considered in the implementation of a digital signal processing (DSP) system to work with human bioelectric signals are described: graphic computation, electronic circuits design with real time restrictions, human body electric signals analysis and online algorithms design). In the context of the last two indicated aspects, some algorithms for the signal filtering are described and some improvements to a classic algorithm for QRS detection of an ECG signal are shown.

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Author Biographies

Cristian Vidal Silva, University of Talca

School of Business Informatics Engineering.

Valeska Gatica Rojas, University of Talca

School of Kinesiology.


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How to Cite

Vidal Silva, C., & Gatica Rojas, V. (2013). Design and implementation of a digital electrocardiographic system. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (55), 99–107.