Business vocabulary of kidney transplant with ontological approach for a generic fact model
business rules, ontology, kidney transplant, fact ModelAbstract
Fact-oriented modeling is a conceptual approach that enables one to model business domains in terms of the underlying facts of interest, where all facts may be verbalized in language readily understandable by non-technical users of those business domains. This approach is used in the construction of business rules systems. Business Rules are built based on a vocabulary made up by words and phrases established by the users’ community of a particular business. Such a vocabulary, designated fact model by several authors, must be set at the initial stage of the rules life cycle. In this paper, the process of creating anontology through the selection of a generic structure that represent a Fact Model with the Protégé tool is addressed. This Fact Model is instantiated with the vocabulary of the Kidney Transplant domain which allow its later link to a Health System in this area that uses the business rules approach.
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