A Novel Exponential Function Based Model for an Uniaxial Magnetic Levitation System
magnetic levitation, Jacobian matrix, Magnetic Bearings, nonlinear systemsAbstract
In this paper a new dynamic model for a uniaxial magnetic levitation system is developed from magnetostatic principles, which we have not found in literature. The system has two coils which are the actuators to control the position of two magnets that need to slide on a vertical axis; this configuration is used in motors with magnetic suspension and generally in any system with active magnetic bearings. Based on the Amperian model and the Biot – Savart law for this system, it was established by means of numerical calculations, the force and distance relationships between the actuators and magnets and between magnets. Once the mentioned relations were numerically determined, then exponential curve fitting was done to them, in order to obtain the nonlinear dynamic model of the magnetic suspension system. This article further presents a linearized model generated from the model previously obtained, showing that it correctly represents the system dynamics near the point of operation.
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