Dynamics Study of Processes Fracture and Fiber-Reinforced Materials Delamination


  • Pedro Tamayo-Meza National Polytechnic Institute
  • Anatoly S. Ovchinsky Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Juan Manuel Sandoval-Pineda National Polytechnic Institute
  • Luis Armando Flores-Herrera National Polytechnic Institute
  • Rosa de G. González Huerta National Polytechnic Institute




interface, delamination, fiber, matrix, fracture


With the construction of a plane model, a qualitative study was made in order to observe the transactions that are developed during the fracture process and its  simulation  on  different  sections  of  a  composite,  from  the  accumulation  of  the  damage  stage  to  the  moment  when  the  crack  propagates  abruptly  causing a macro fracture. An algorithm was developed to observe the stress redistribution processes and the compound is simulated including packaging defects  of  the  filaments.  During  the  study  of  the  fracture  processes  in reinforced composites there are many factors to consider that are interrelated and that have a casual character. The mechanical properties of the fibers and the matrix, the matrix-fiber adherence and the resistance of the interface, all vary with the application of the load. The use of computational methods opens great possibilities for the development of the simulation and the models of the fracture processes.

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Author Biographies

Pedro Tamayo-Meza, National Polytechnic Institute

Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering.

Anatoly S. Ovchinsky, Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Metallurgy.

Juan Manuel Sandoval-Pineda, National Polytechnic Institute

Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Luis Armando Flores-Herrera, National Polytechnic Institute

Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

Rosa de G. González Huerta, National Polytechnic Institute

Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.


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How to Cite

Tamayo-Meza, P., Ovchinsky, A. S., Sandoval-Pineda, J. M., Flores-Herrera, L. A., & González Huerta, R. de G. (2014). Dynamics Study of Processes Fracture and Fiber-Reinforced Materials Delamination. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (70), 119–131. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.18654

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