Cation and anion monitoring in a wastewater treatment pilot project


  • Magda de Almeida University of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Filipe Vargas-Zerwes University of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Lucas Ferreira-Bastos University of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Adilson Ben da Costa University of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Rosana de Cassia de Souza-Schneider University of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Ênio Leandro Machado University of Santa Cruz do Sul
  • Andreas Kohler University of Santa Cruz do Sul



constructed wetlands (CWs), wastewater monitoring, ions, reuse


The purpose of wastewater treatment is water reuse. It reduces potable water consumption while preventing fresh water contamination. Water reuse schemes have already been successfully established in different locations. Treatments using constructed wetlands are widely studied as a more economical and environmentally-friendly alternative for treating wastewater. In these systems, the control of inorganic species is also important. This study monitored cations (Na+ , K+ , Li+ and NH4 + ) and anions (SO4 2-, NO3 - , NO2 - , Cl- and  PO4 3-) in a constructed wetlands (CWs) system, a rainwater catchment system, sewage treatment system, and in fi nal reuse water. The monitoring was accomplished using ion chromatographic analysis. The removal values found in the CWs were: 99.9% K+ , NH4 + and  SO4 2-, 52.6% Na+ , 89.8% NO3 - , 98.2% NO2 - , 63.6% Cl- and 96.8% PO4  3-. The results also showed  that CWs system is suitable for removing ions from the wastewater.

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Author Biographies

Magda de Almeida, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Filipe Vargas-Zerwes, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Graduate Program in Environmental Technology.

Lucas Ferreira-Bastos, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Adilson Ben da Costa, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Postgraduate Program in Industrial Systems and Processes, Department of Biology and Pharmacy. Teacher.

Rosana de Cassia de Souza-Schneider, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Graduate Program in Environmental Technology, Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Ênio Leandro Machado, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Graduate Program in Environmental Technology, Department of Chemistry and Physics.

Andreas Kohler, University of Santa Cruz do Sul

Department of Biology and Pharmacy.


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How to Cite

de Almeida, M., Vargas-Zerwes, F., Ferreira-Bastos, L., Ben da Costa, A., de Souza-Schneider, R. de C., Machado, Ênio L., & Kohler, A. (2015). Cation and anion monitoring in a wastewater treatment pilot project. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (76), 82–89.