Acoustic and mechanic characterization of materials used in manufacturing the soundboard of the spanish guitar: influence in the sonority




volume, duration, digital signal processing, physical properties, soundboard, timbre


This paper presents a study relating the most commonly used materials in manufacturing the top plate of the Spanish guitar and some sound characteristics such as timbre, volume, and duration. Theoretically, the wood influences the quality of the sound and the vibrations of the membranes. Based upon these facts, an acoustic and vibrational study was carried out in order to establish the relationship between the physical properties of the wood and the resulting sound quality. To do this, digital signal processing techniques were implemented. It was found that volume and sound duration were higher in guitars with German spruce soundboard, whereas guitars with Canadian cedar soundboard presented more homogeneous sounds.

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Author Biographies

Ennio Hugo Idrobo-Ávila, University of Cauca

Physics department.

Rubiel Vargas-Cañas, University of Cauca

Physics department.


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How to Cite

Idrobo-Ávila, E. H., & Vargas-Cañas, R. (2015). Acoustic and mechanic characterization of materials used in manufacturing the soundboard of the spanish guitar: influence in the sonority. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (76), 30–38.