Anotaciones sobre algunos métodos de cálculo de la resistencia de puesta a tierra.
Se presentan tres métodos de cálculo de la resistencia de puesta a tierra, de diferente alcance en su aplicabilidad y de uso difundido: un método gráfico, un conjunto de expresiones analíticas simplificadas y un método matricial. Los métodos se aplican a unas series de mallas de tierra, los resultados se comparan y se hacen algunas anotaciones sobre los mismos. El método matricial, aplicado a través de un programa computacional que permite además un análisis amplio del comportamiento de la malla (tensiones de toque y de paso, etc.), muestra ser el más confiable, particularmente porque sus resultados varían siempre en consonancia con las variaciones físicas de las mallas.Downloads
Tagg., G.F. Earth Resistances, New York, Pitman Publishing Corporation, 1964.
Endrenyl, J. "Fault-Current Analysis for Station Grounding Design". Ontario Hydro Research Quartely, Second Quarter, pp. 16-21, 1967.
Meliopoulus, A.P.; Webb, R.P.; Joy. E.B.; Patel. S. "Computation of Maximum Earth Current in Substation Switchyards" IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-102, No. 9 pp. 3131-3139, September 1983. DOI:
Dawalibi, F.; Niles, G. "Measurements and Computations of Fault Current Distribution on Overhead Transmission Lines", IEEE Trans. on PAS. Vol. PAS-103, No. 3, pp. 553-560, March 1984. DOI:
Wwitzenfeld, G. "Power System Ground Fault Current Distribution Using the Double Sided Elimination Method", IEEE Trans. on Power System, Vol. PWRS-1, No, 1, pp. 17-25, February 1986. DOI:
Joy, E.B.; Paik N.; Brewer, T.E.; Wilson, R.E.; Webb, R.P.; Meliopoulus A.P. "Graphical Data for Ground Grid Analysis". IEEE Trans. on PAS. Vol. PAS-102, No. 9, pp. 3038-3048, September 1983. DOI:
Schwarz. S.J. "Analytical Expressions for the Resistance of Grounding Systems" AIEE Transactions. Vol. 73, pp. 1011-1016, August 1954. DOI:
Kercel, S.W. "Design of Switchyard Grounding Systems Using Multiple Grids" IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-100, No. 3 pp1341-1350, March 1981. DOI:
Nahman J.; Salomón D. "Analytical Expressions for the Resistance of Grounding Grids in Nonuniform Soil" IEEE Trans. on PAS Vol. PAS-103, No. 4 pp. 880-885, April 1984. DOI:
Nahman, J.; Salomón, D. "Analytical Expressions for the Resistance of Rodbeds and of Combined Grounding Systems in Nonuniform Soil" IEEE Trans. on PWRD, Vol. 1 PWRD-1, No. 3. pp. 90-97 July 1986. DOI:
Dawalibi, F; Mukhedkar, D. "Optimun Design of Substation Grounding in a Two-Layer Earth Structure. Part 1, Analytical Study", IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-94, No. 2, pp. 252-272, March/April, 1975. DOI:
Heppe, R.J. "Computation of Potential of Surface Above an Energized Grid or Other Electrode, Allowing for Non-Uniform Current Distribution", IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-98, No. 6, pp. 1978-1989, Nov./Dec.1979. DOI:
Garret, D.L.: Holley, H.J. "Calculation of Substation Grounding System Resistance Using Matrix Techniques", IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-99, No. 5, pp. 2008-1011, September/October 1980. DOI:
Kouteynokoff, P. "Numerical Computation of the Grounding Resistance of Substation and Towers" IEEE Trans. PAS, Vol. PAS-99 No. 3 pp. 957-965, May/June 1980. DOI:
Ewy, K.A.; Smolleck, H.A. "A Graphical Explanation of the Resistance and Surface Potencial Calculations for Grounding Systems in Two-Layer Earth", IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-103, No. pp. 631-639, March 1984. DOI:
Portela, C.M. "Cálculo de Parametros e Comportamento de Malhas de Terra". ABNT-Curso Aterramento em Sistemas de Potencia COBEI-IEEE Secao Rio, Rio de Janeiro, 1984, 1985.
Nagar, R.P.; Velásquez, R.; Loeloeian, M.; Mukhedkar D; Gervais, Y. "Review of Analytical Methods for Calculating the Perfomance of Large Grounding Electrodes" IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-104, No.11 pp. 3124-3141, November, 1985. DOI:
Moreno, G. "Comportamento de Malhas de Terra a Freqüéncia Industrial. Projeto e Construcao da Malha de Terra para o Laboratório de Corona e Descargas Parciais da COPPE/UFRJ". Tese de M.Sc. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, 1987.
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