Corrosion protection in saline environment of a carbon steel coated (aluminum & three-layer painting system) by eats


  • Diego Pérez-Muñoz Technological University of Pereira
  • José Luddey Marulanda-Arévalo Technological University of Pereira
  • Carlos Mauricio Moreno-Tellez Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia



aluminum, corrosion, EATS, paint, saline environment


This paper presents a comparative study on corrosion protection of low-carbon steel coated with two different painting systems. The first set of samples was coated with an aluminum layer of primer deposited by Electric Arc Thermal Spray (EATS), after which two additional layers of paint were applied, thereby creating an aluminum-painting system; while the second set of samples was coated with the traditional three-layer painting system (zinc-rich layer of primer). Afterwards, all the samples were exposed to the salt spray chamber. The samples were monitored to record their reactions in the corrosive saline environment. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), adhesion and electrochemical corrosion tests were performed to characterize the coatings and report changes in their properties (adhesion, topography and homogeneity), which are related to exposure time. The three-layer painting system barely complied with manufacturer claims on protection time under corrosive conditions; on the other hand, the aluminum-painting system yielded better results by prolonging protection time.

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Author Biographies

Diego Pérez-Muñoz, Technological University of Pereira

Professor and researcher, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

José Luddey Marulanda-Arévalo, Technological University of Pereira

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Carlos Mauricio Moreno-Tellez, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Faculty of Engineering.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Muñoz, D., Marulanda-Arévalo, J. L., & Moreno-Tellez, C. M. (2018). Corrosion protection in saline environment of a carbon steel coated (aluminum & three-layer painting system) by eats. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (89), 26–33.