Latency analysis on W-band hybrid fiber-wireless link using software defined radio in real time


  • Mónica Andrea Rico-Martínez National University of Colombia
  • Álvaro Morales-Vicente Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Rafael Puerta-Ramírez Technical University of Denmark
  • Víctor Mehmeri-Dantas Technical University of Denmark
  • Idelfonso Tafur-Monroy Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Gloria Margarita Varón-Durán National University of Colombia



network performance, radio over fiber, w band, software defined radio


This paper reports an experimental comparison and analysis of latency for different modulation techniques at different data rates in W-band Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) transmission links. In addition, a software defined radio called GNU-Radio is employed with Universal Software Radio Peripherals (USRP) to generate and retrieve the transmitted signals. Likewise, it is used to test the end to end latency in the W-band RoF link. Our main contribution is achieving a W-Band low-latency wireless fiber link which fits to the key performance indicators of 5G networks.

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Author Biographies

Mónica Andrea Rico-Martínez, National University of Colombia

Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering, Master in Electronic Engineering. Telecommunications Engineer with experience in teaching and research. Electronic Research Group and High Frequency Communications, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Álvaro Morales-Vicente, Eindhoven University of Technology

Electro-Optical Communications section, Department of Electrical Engineering.

Rafael Puerta-Ramírez, Technical University of Denmark

Photonic Department.

Víctor Mehmeri-Dantas, Technical University of Denmark

Photonic Department.

Idelfonso Tafur-Monroy, Eindhoven University of Technology

Electro-Optical Communications section, Department of Electrical Engineering.

Gloria Margarita Varón-Durán, National University of Colombia

Professor / Director of the CMUN Group . Electronic Research Group and High Frequency Communications, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


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How to Cite

Rico-Martínez, M. A., Morales-Vicente, Álvaro, Puerta-Ramírez, R., Mehmeri-Dantas, V., Tafur-Monroy, I., & Varón-Durán, G. M. (2018). Latency analysis on W-band hybrid fiber-wireless link using software defined radio in real time. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (87), 16–22.