A fuzzy logic system to evaluate levels of trust on linked open data resources
Linked Open Data (LOD), levels of trust, open data consumption, fuzzy logic, fuzzy systems type IAbstract
Linked Data is a way of using the network by creating links among data from different information sources in order to improve search processes, semantic interoperability among other functionalities. One of the strategies used to perform linked resources queries is through the consumption of SPARQL Endpoints. However, to determine existent trust levels within and outside the knowledge domains where such resources are, the operation of these Endpoints is one of the critical factors for both to realize the state of these resources and their subsequent consumption. To recognize these states, the present article aims at exposing the description, modeling, implementation and analysis of a type-I fuzzy system based on logical rules. It also addresses decision-making regarding the uncertainty that presents the definition of levels of trust to determine the consumption obtained over a set of LOD Datasets Located in several Endpoints. Finally, it presents results, conclusions and further work from a case study performed through the postulation of parameters obtained at runtime over several Endpoints.
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