Multi-objective optimization in biotechnological processes: application to plant cell suspension cultures of Thevetia peruviana


  • Adriana Patricia Villegas-Quiceño Cooperative University of Colombia
  • Juan Pablo Arias-Echeverri National University of Colombia
  • Daira Aragón-Mena Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
  • Silvia Mercedes Ochoa-Cáceres University of Antioquia
  • Mario Evelio Arias-Zabala National University of Colombia



model-based optimization, modelling and optimization, multi-objective problem, mechanistic models, biotechnological processes


Bioprocesses productivity is a compromise between two conflicting objectives, maximization of biomass growth rate and minimization of substrate consumption. In this work, a model based multi-objective optimization problem is solved for improving the process productivity in plant cell suspension cultures of Thevetia peruviana. A solution of the multi-objective problem allowed determining the optimal initial concentrations of substrate and biomass for assuring maximal productivity. Model-based optimization is carried out using a mechanistic model, which includes a representation of the intracellular processes taking place on the plant cells. The best solutions were chosen from the Pareto front in agreement with expert criterion. Results indicate that an initial inoculum concentration of 3.91g/L and an initial sucrose concentration of 23.63g/L, are recommended as initial conditions for obtaining a biomass productivity of 1.57g/L*day with an acceptable sucrose uptake. Experimental validation of the optimal found was carried out and the productivity obtained was 1.52g/L using an initial inoculum concentration of 4.27g/L and an initial sucrose concentration of 25.44g/L. Results suggest that the proposed methodology can be extended to increase the productivity in terms of metabolite production from this plant cell cultures and other plant species.

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Author Biographies

Adriana Patricia Villegas-Quiceño, Cooperative University of Colombia

Termomec Group, Faculty of Engineering.

Juan Pablo Arias-Echeverri, National University of Colombia

Industrial Biotechnology Group, Faculty of Sciences.

Daira Aragón-Mena, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center

Audubon Sugar Institute.

Silvia Mercedes Ochoa-Cáceres, University of Antioquia

Research Group in Simulation, Design, Control and Optimization of Processes (SIDCOP), Faculty of Engineering.

Mario Evelio Arias-Zabala, National University of Colombia

Industrial Biotechnology Group, Faculty of Sciences.


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How to Cite

Villegas-Quiceño, A. P., Arias-Echeverri, J. P., Aragón-Mena, D., Ochoa-Cáceres, S. M., & Arias-Zabala, M. E. (2018). Multi-objective optimization in biotechnological processes: application to plant cell suspension cultures of Thevetia peruviana. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (87), 35–40.