Effect of processing technology on the physicochemical properties of non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS)


  • Kevin Nicolás Galvis Jorge Tadeo Lozano University
  • Luisa Daniela Hidrobo Jorge Tadeo Lozano University
  • María Cristina García Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research
  • Oscar Andrés Mendieta Menjura Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research
  • Martha Patricia Tarazona-Díaz Jorge Tadeo Lozano University




non-centrifugal cane sugar, physical and chemical properties, ward furnace, evaporation


Non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS) is a natural sweetener with beneficial health properties. This is traditionally produced in an oven which has had technological variations. Therefore, the present study focuses on determining the effect that NCS processing technology has on its physicochemical properties. In this study, two contrasting technologies were selected: the first one corresponds to the traditional furnace, characterized by a flat combustion chamber and hemispherical pan. The second one corresponds to the furnace with a ward type combustion chamber and modified pan. The variety of sugarcane selected was RD 75-11. The physical and chemical parameters evaluated were hydrogen potential (pH), total acidity (TA), solid soluble content soluble (SSC), ash, minerals, reducing sugars, color, moisture content and heat capacity. The technology with ward- type combustion chamber and modified pan managed to concentrate the oBrix of syrup to NCS in a 36.03% unlike the traditional furnace (32.59%). The two technologies used allowed obtaining NCS with an average caloric value of 14684.9 J g-1 and soluble solid content of 90.1oBrix. It was found that the NCS is a source of minerals such as potassium (3.55 g kg-1), calcium (2.25 g kg-1) and phosphorus (0.3 g kg-1).

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Author Biographies

Kevin Nicolás Galvis, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University

Research Group in Process Engineering and Industrial Systems, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering.

Luisa Daniela Hidrobo, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University

Research Group in Process Engineering and Industrial Systems, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering.

María Cristina García, Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research

Researcher Ph.D. Coordination of Regional Innovation. Research Group in Agricultural Mechanization Technologies and Industrial Processes.

Oscar Andrés Mendieta Menjura, Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research

Master Researcher, Directorate of the Tibaitatá Research Center. Research Group in Agricultural Mechanization Technologies and Industrial Processes.

Martha Patricia Tarazona-Díaz, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University

Professor. Research Group in Process Engineering and Industrial Systems, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering.


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How to Cite

Galvis, K. N., Hidrobo, L. D., García, M. C., Mendieta Menjura, O. A., & Tarazona-Díaz, M. P. (2020). Effect of processing technology on the physicochemical properties of non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS). Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (95), 64–72. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.20190839