Design, construction and evaluation of an energy harvesting prototype built with piezoelectric materials


  • Alejandra Echeverry-Velásquez Pascual Bravo University Institution
  • Mateo Vélez-Quintana Pascual Bravo University Institution
  • José Alejandro Posada-Montoya Pascual Bravo University Institution
  • José-Alfredo Palacio-Fernández Pascual Bravo University Institution



renewable energy, cantilever beam, resonance frequency, ultracapacitors


The piezoelectricity allows the generation of electric power taking advantage of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Many prototypes have been made with piezoelectric generators, but at present, their commercialization and use have not been popularized due to their low power generation and energy losses. A design of an experimental prototype of an energy harvester with piezoelectric materials that reduces these losses and generates more energy thanks to the resonance with the beams is proposed in this article. An equilateral triangular tile is designed such it will not deform when a force acts on it. The tile has four-cantilever beams, and it is designed to resonate with the natural frequency of the piezoelectric material. This is coupled to the piezoelectric device. The vibration generated on the beam, by a mechanical load, is used to generate more energy when it resonates. The piezoelectric is a ceramic material and generates a nominal power of 75 mW before placing it on the beam, and 375 mW after being placed on the beam. However, the energy collection circuit has losses due to its own consumption, the transmission of energy to the storage system, and in the mechanical system.

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Author Biographies

Alejandra Echeverry-Velásquez, Pascual Bravo University Institution

SIA Environmental Research Seedbed, Environmental Research and Innovation Group, Professor - Faculty of Engineering.

Mateo Vélez-Quintana, Pascual Bravo University Institution

Electrical engineer, professor and leader of the Environmental Research and Innovation Group (GIIAM). SIA Environmental Research Seedbed, Faculty of Engineering.

José Alejandro Posada-Montoya, Pascual Bravo University Institution

Professor and leader of the Environmental Research and Innovation Group (GIIAM). SIA Environmental Research Seedbed, Faculty of Engineering.

José-Alfredo Palacio-Fernández, Pascual Bravo University Institution

Professor, SIA Environmental Research Seedbed, Environmental Research and Innovation Group, Faculty of Engineering.


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How to Cite

Echeverry-Velásquez, A., Vélez-Quintana, M., Posada-Montoya, J. A., & Palacio-Fernández, J.-A. (2020). Design, construction and evaluation of an energy harvesting prototype built with piezoelectric materials. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (97), 56–64.