Potential infiltration and morphometry in the Arroyo Grande basin, Sucre Colombia





Curve Number, infiltration, groundwater, morphometry, recharge


For areas that supply underground water sources, it is important to identify the conditions of circulation and infiltration of surface water as a fundamental contribution to the recharge, sustainability and protection of aquifers. A study of the potential infiltration capacity considering the geomorphological aspects in the Arroyo Grande basin, Sucre, Colombia is presented. The aquifers of the study area are at risk of water supply due to the intense extraction and contamination by urban discharges in the surface currents of the basin. Morphometric indicators were applied to study the forms and dynamics of currents; For the estimation of the potential infiltration, the curve number method (CN-SCS) was used; all analyzes were performed with GIS tools. The results described the drainage conditions of the surface, identified the areas with the highest Infiltration potential over the Morroa aquifer, and the factors that directly influence the water regulation process.

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Author Biographies

Felix Domínguez-Pérez, University of Sucre

Water and Environmental Chemistry Research Group.

Teobaldis Mercado-Fernández, University of Córdoba

PhD. in Hydroscience, Professor and Researcher.


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How to Cite

Domínguez-Pérez, F., & Mercado-Fernández, T. (2020). Potential infiltration and morphometry in the Arroyo Grande basin, Sucre Colombia. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (96), 21–31. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.20191043