A model for collection of waste electrical and electronical equipment in Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga


  • Javier Arias-Osorio Industrial University of Santander https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6149-556X
  • Ruben Darío Rios-Mercado Industrial University of Santander
  • Ingrid Dayanna Tamayo-Morantes Industrial University of Santander




location, vehicle routing, WEEE, waste collection, optimization


In this paper, a model for the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment is designed based on a problem of location and vehicle routing. Two main phases are carried out: The localization phase, in which the WEEE collection points are defined from a series of potential points, involving the novelty about the assignment of different types of devices to each of those points. And, the routing phase in which the collection routes are designed to minimize the associated costs. A case study is analyzed for the collection of WEEE in communes 6, 7 and 8 of Bucaramanga. For the localization phase, a mixed integer linear programming model is developed, which is solved with the GAMS software. The capacitated vehicle routing problem CVRP is addressed with the objective of minimizing the costs associated with the distance traveled by the vehicle for each of the assigned collection points, and a GRASP metaheuristic with local search operators is proposed as a solution technique to solve this second phase. The algorithm was programmed in MATLAB Software and validated with instances of the literature, showing good results for the defined case study.

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Author Biographies

Javier Arias-Osorio, Industrial University of Santander

School of Industrial and Business Studies.

Ruben Darío Rios-Mercado, Industrial University of Santander

School of Industrial and Business Studies.

Ingrid Dayanna Tamayo-Morantes, Industrial University of Santander

School of Industrial and Business Studies.


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How to Cite

Arias-Osorio, J., Rios-Mercado, R. D., & Tamayo-Morantes, I. D. (2020). A model for collection of waste electrical and electronical equipment in Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga. Revista Facultad De Ingeniería Universidad De Antioquia, (96), 110–117. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.redin.20191259