Bibliometric Study of the global application of collaborative robotics in industry
Collaborative robotics in industry, interactive robots, industry 4.0, , bibliometric studyAbstract
The collaborative robot is an industrial robot that operates collaboratively with humans, safely assisting them in their tasks and improving productivity. This study focuses on analyzing the bibliographic production of the application of collaborative robotics in industry, using a bibliometric study with Scopus metadata. These data were analyzed with the VOSviewer tool for generating visualization networks, by bibliographic mapping the worldwide scientific production. A total of 6309 publications were analyzed, with Chinese authors Wang L. and Wang Y. standing out as the main producers, with 24 publications, demonstrating the academic interest of that country in this subject. There was a positive trend in publications in the last ten years, with an increase of 288%, and the preferred publications are articles (91.3%). It was possible to identify that the most significant bibliographic production on collaborative robotics in industrial processes is more representative in developed countries such as China, Italy, Germany, and the United States. The work revealed the challenges faced by industries in Latin America in implementing Industry 4.0. Due to the absence of business policies and cooperative alliances, it is concluded that these industries in developing countries increase the gap in the integration of emerging technologies and that, due to a lack of knowledge and interest, sometimes they are free tools that can be linked in the company.
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