A test for the existence of a fractional root in a non-stationary time series


  • Diego Lemus National University of Colombia
  • Elkin Castaño University of Antioquia




Long memory time series, fractional differencing parameter, autoregressiveapproximation, non-stationary ARFIMA process


In this work, we present a modification of the hypothesis testing procedure for the existence of long memory in the stationary and invertible ARFIMA(p,d,q) process proposed by Castaño, Gómez and Gallón (2008). This modification allows assessing the existence of a fractional root in a non-stationary time series when the short-term ARMA component is undetermined or unknown, especially in ARFIMA(p,d,q) processes. We validate, via Monte Carlo simulations, the analytical results and demonstrate the good performance of the proposed test in terms of both power and size, in comparison to other well-known tests in the literature.

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Author Biographies

Diego Lemus, National University of Colombia

Master of Science - Statistics. School of Statistics, Faculty of Sciences, National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters.

Elkin Castaño, University of Antioquia

Associate professor at the School of Statistics, Faculty of Sciences, National University of Colombia - Medellín Headquarters and professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Lemus, D., & Castaño, E. (2013). A test for the existence of a fractional root in a non-stationary time series. Lecturas De Economia, (78), 151–184. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.le.n78a15710




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