Calendar anomalies in the Latin American stock markets: A Bonferroni testing approach


  • Emilio Rojas Federico Santa María Technical University
  • Werner Kristjanpoller Federico Santa María Technical University



Day of the week effect, month effect, emerging markets, Bonferroni correction, GARCH models


This article builds upon and corrects traditional calendar anomalies in the main Latin American stock markets for the period between 1991 and 2013. It analyzes stock indexes from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. For the study, we use econometric models for the analysis of heteroscedastic variance supplemented with significance tests, including the Bonferroni correction. Results indicate mixed evidence of these anomalies; but, after the introduction of Bonferroni corrections, evidence suggests that such anomalies disappear, in cases where return and volatility both are considered, for almost all countries during the last period of our sample.

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Author Biographies

Emilio Rojas, Federico Santa María Technical University

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering, mention in Financial Management. Santa Maria University, Chile

Werner Kristjanpoller, Federico Santa María Technical University

Doctor of Business Sciences. Full-time Professor, Department of Industries, Economics and Business. Santa Maria University, Chile


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How to Cite

Rojas, E., & Kristjanpoller, W. (2014). Calendar anomalies in the Latin American stock markets: A Bonferroni testing approach. Lecturas De Economia, (81), 91–113.


