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Stackelberg-Nash Equilibrium and Perfect Competition in the Solow-Uzawa Growth Model




Stackelberg competition, leader and follower, perfect competition, capital accumulation, Solow model, Uzawa model, profit


This study introduces Stackelberg-Nash equilibrium to neoclassical growth theory. It attempts to make neoclassical economic growth theory more robust in modelling the complexity of market structures. The model is constructed within the framework of the Solow-Uzawa two-sector model. The economy is composed of two sectors. The final goods sector is the same as in the Solow one-sector growth model which is characterized by perfect competition. The consumer goods sector is the same as the consumer goods sector in the Uzawa model but is characterized by Stackelberg duopoly. We model household behavior with Zhangs concept of disposable income and utility. The model endogenously determines profits of duopoly which are equally distributed among the homogeneous population. We build the model and then identify the existence of an equilibrium point through simulation. We conduct comparative static analyses of some parameters. We also compare the economic performance of the traditional Uzawa model and the model with the Stackelberg-Nash equilibrium. We conclude that the imperfect competition increases national output, national wealth, and utility level in comparison to perfect competition. 

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Author Biography

Wei-Bin Zhang, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Wei-Bin Zhang, PhD (Umeå, Sweden), is Professor of Economics in Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. His main research fields are nonlinear economic dynamics, growth theory, trade theory, East Asian economic development, and Confucianism. He has published 240 academic articles in peer-review international journals and authorized 24 academic books. Prof. Zhang is editorial board members of 12 international journals. He is the editor of Encyclopedia of Mathematical Models in Economics (in two volumes) as a part of the unprecedented global effort, The Encyclopedias of Life Support Systems, organized by The UNESCO.


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How to Cite

Zhang, W.-B. (2021). Stackelberg-Nash Equilibrium and Perfect Competition in the Solow-Uzawa Growth Model. Lecturas De Economia, (96), 1–19.


