Elements for a Classical Theory of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Prices


  • Alexander Tobón Arias University of Antioquia
  • Eduardo Bolaños Cerón University of Antioquia




Relative prices, benefit accrual rates, reproduction of capital, balance classic, classical balance


This paper intends to present an unconventional approach to the classical theory of relative prices based on recent developments and current limitations. Using the work of Carlo Benetti, Christian Bidard y Edith Klimovsky (Bidard and Klimovsky, 2006) as a conceptual framework that generalizes the classical theory of production prices, this analysis provides explanations for both equilibrium and disequilibrium cases. Accordingly, this paper depicts the importance of this new theoretical model, its initial hypothesis, structure, main properties and proficiency for explaining economic dynamics.

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Author Biographies

Alexander Tobón Arias, University of Antioquia

Professor at the University of Antioquia, member of the Applied Macroeconomics Group.

Eduardo Bolaños Cerón, University of Antioquia

Professor at the University of Antioquia, member of the Applied Macroeconomics Group.


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Benetti, Carlo (1986). “La théorie de la demande effective chez R. Torrens”, Cahiers d’Economie Politique, No. 12, pp. 3-39.

Benetti, Carlo; Bidard, Christian y Klimovsky, Edith (2007). “Classical dynamics of disequilibrium”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 1, No. 31, pp. 41-54.

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Bidard, Christian y Klimovsky, Edith (2006). Capital, salaire et crise: une approche classique, Dunod, Paris.

Deleplace, Ghislain (2007). Histoire de la pensée économique, Dunod, Paris.

Klimovsky, Edith Alicia (2006). “Tasas de ganancia, acumulación, producción y circulación: Los conceptos básicos de la teoría clásica del valor”, Cuadernos de Economía, Vol. xxv, No. 44, pp. 33-55.

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Torrens, Robert (1821). An Essay on the Production of Wealth, A.M. Kelley, New York, 1956.

Sraffa, Piero (1960). Producción de mercancías por medio de mercancías, Oikos Tau, Barcelona, 1966



How to Cite

Tobón Arias, A., & Bolaños Cerón, E. (2011). Elements for a Classical Theory of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Prices. Lecturas De Economia, 73(73), 99–130. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.le.n73a7866


