Self-representation, Violence and Periphery in Capão Pecado


  • Keury Carolaine Pereira da Silva State University of Maranhão
  • Emanoel Cesar Pires de Assis State University of Maranhão


Palabras clave:

Brazilian literature, violence, periphery, Capão Pecado, self-representation


This research analyzed how the search for self-representation in literature claims the presence of peripheral groups and differs in the specificities of language and aesthetics, such as the case of violence in the work Capão Pecado, by Ferréz. Therefore, the considerations about this theme were expressed, from the perspective of those who practice and are the target of this impetus. In order to reach the scope of this research, some theorizations were considered. Finally, it is considered that the book suggests a reflection about the common perceptions of favelas and their residents, by providing new views of them.

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Biografía del autor/a

Keury Carolaine Pereira da Silva, State University of Maranhão

Holds a degree in Portuguese/English from the State University of Maranhão, Brazil (2019), a graduate student in Literary Theory from the State University of Maranhão, Brazil. Master's degree in Literature (State University of Maranhão, Brazil). Honor to merit at graduation 2019, (State University of Maranhão-UEMA, Brazil). Bibliographic productions: Riobaldo and Diadorim under a homoerotic aspect. Revista FSA (Faculdade Santo Agostinho). Other productions: Oficina: aprendendo e se encantando com a literatura caxiense (short course taught/other); Artistic language as a methodological resource in Portuguese language teaching (short course taught/other). 

Emanoel Cesar Pires de Assis, State University of Maranhão

Holds a bachelor's degree in Letters degree in Portuguese/English and its literature, from the State University of Maranhão-UEMA, Brazil (2008). Master's degree in Literary Letters-Studies from the Federal University of Piauí-UFPI (Brazil). Ph.D. in Literature from the Federal University of Santa Catarina-UFSC (Brazil). He has experience in the literature area, with emphasis on literary theory and literature in digital environment. Currently, he is interested in the study of digital narratives, contemporary Brazilian literature, digital tools for teaching/learning literature and literary theory. Leader of the CNPq research group: Literature, Art and Media-LAMID. Managing Editor of Revista de Letras Juçara-EMA. Research productivity fellow (State University of Maranhão-UEMA, Brazil, 2018-2019). Areas of expertise: literary theory, electronic reading/literature, literary criticism, Brazilian literature, digital tools for the teaching of literature. 


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Cómo citar

Pereira da Silva, K. C., & Pires de Assis, E. C. (2020). Self-representation, Violence and Periphery in Capão Pecado. Lingüística Y Literatura, 41(78), 385–404.



Estudios literarios