
  • Paloma Pérez Sastre University of Antioquia




Isabel Carrasquilla, Tomás Carrasquilla, travel literature, autobiography, subjectivity


In her book Impresiones de viaje (escritas por una abuela para sus nietos), Isabel Carrasquilla express from the beginning her desired of “continue telling after death”. This detail among the particular circumstances surrounding the writing of the book in 1931, when she was 66 years old, hidden from her brother Tomás —the most celebrated writer from Antioquia—, suggest a great but hidden need of aesthetic expression. With the aim of identifying the traces of a creative subjectivity, this paper, after some considerations about the literary gender to which the book belongs, develop the relationship between the chosen literary gender and the intention of the author, to conclude showing the forms that self-representation assumes.

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How to Cite

Pérez Sastre, P. (2012). “COUNTING AFTER DEATH”. Lingüística Y Literatura, (61), 291–307. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.13355



Research articles