
  • Silvia Valero University of Cartagena




Afro-Cubanity, racism, Revolution, «race», «class»


This paper analyzes how the novel El columpio, de Rey Spencer, by the Cuban writer Marta Rojas, represents the century end’s Cuba through a community imagined without conflicts of «race» nor «class», as a result of the triumph of the «revolutionary new man». In front of the changes produced in Cuba as an effect of the Soviet block’s collapse, I will argue about the writer’s difficulty to assume the representation of the official recognition according to the continuity of racism.

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Author Biography

Silvia Valero, University of Cartagena

Professor of Latin American literature at the University of Cartagena, Colombia. She has a degree in Modern Letters from the U.N. from Córdoba, Argentina; Mgr. In Literature from the Pontifical Javeriana University and Doctor of Literature from the University of Montreal, Canada. He has published the book Look back. The importance of the past in the narratives of the nation and blackness in the Afro-Cuban literature of between centuries (2014) and various articles in specialized magazines. His fields of research are Afro-Latin American narratives and contemporary Latin American literature. 


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How to Cite

Valero, S. (2014). WITHOUT «CLASSES» NOR «RACES»: THE CUBA’S IMAGINED COMMUNITY IN EL COLUMPIO, DE REY SPENCER. Lingüística Y Literatura, 35(66), 171–188. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.20217