Epistemic Verbs as an Evidentiality Strategy in Medellín’s Spanish


  • Róbinson Grajales Alzate University of Valle




evidentiality, verbs of propositional attitude, Spanish of Medellín, believe, think, imagine, assume and consider


Propositional attitude verbs express lexical evidentiality. This property may have nuances, which depend on whether these verbs, in their performative forms, are in parenthetical constructions, whether or not they omit the pronominal subject or if the pronominal subject is before the verb or postponed. Verbs with this meaning and their frequency of occurrence were described within the PRESEEA-Medellín corpus. Five verbs of propositional attitude were found: believe, think, imagine, assume and consider.

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Author Biography

Róbinson Grajales Alzate, University of Valle

Psychologist and Doctor in Linguistics from the University of Antioquia. Professor of the Theoretical and Descriptive Linguistics Area of ​​the School of Language Sciences of the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia). Member of the Sociolinguistic Studies Group (GES) in the line of sociolinguistics.


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How to Cite

Grajales Alzate, R. (2016). Epistemic Verbs as an Evidentiality Strategy in Medellín’s Spanish. Lingüística Y Literatura, 37(69), 339–361. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.n69a15



Research articles