Polifunctionality of Nominalization in Written Essays by Children and Adolescents of Cordoba (Argentina)


  • Darío Daniel Delicia National University of Córdoba




nominalization, discursive-textual function, written essay, linguistic literarcy, language ontogenesis, Linguistics


A descriptive study was carried out on the discourse and textual operations of the nominalizations in essays produced by students from primary and secondary school. Sixty texts were gathered at a private school of Córdoba (Argentina), and they were analyzed following the ideas of Soto y Zenteno (2004) on the identification of reference, predicate, textualization and hierarchical organization of the information as indicators of language development. Empirical evidence corroborates the hypothesis that there exists a close relation between the ontogenesis of these nominal functions and the progress made by the students during the process of linguistic literacy.

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Author Biography

Darío Daniel Delicia, National University of Córdoba

Professor and graduate in Spanish Language and Literature and Specialist in Reading and Writing Processes and Practices of National University of Cordoba (Argentina). At this center he works as a regular professor of undergraduate and graduate degrees at the Faculty of Languages; researcher responsible for projects in psycholinguistics financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and a coordinator of extension activities aimed at teacher training in the teaching of grammar in secondary school.


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2021-07-30 — Updated on 2021-11-14


How to Cite

Delicia, D. D. (2021). Polifunctionality of Nominalization in Written Essays by Children and Adolescents of Cordoba (Argentina). Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(80), 187–202. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.n80a12 (Original work published July 30, 2021)