Nostalgic Decrepitude in the Realism of Adolfo Couve (1940-1998): «El picadero», «El parque», and «Balneario»




ruin, realism, nostalgia, allegory


With the present work we maintain that the decrepit bodies, described in three short works by Adolfo Couve, end up clinging to the spirituality of juvenile anatomies. The reading advocated tries to unravel the allegory of an inevitable ruin that creeps into the most remote spaces of the nation and that exhibits a mimetic sample of the gray and failed bourgeoisie, in the eyes of an artist whose work carefully observes the scope of social chiaroscuro.

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Author Biographies

Valentina Andrea Albornoz Toloza, University of Concepción

Spanish teacher and Master in Hispanic Literatures at the Universidad de Concepción (Chile). Currently, she is a PhD student in Latin American Literature at the same university and works as a secondary school teacher. Additionally, she has worked as a reviewer for Theuth. Revista de Humanidades and has participated as a researcher in the project "Painting, ekphrasis and narrative fiction. Five Chilean novels of the 20th century". Her research has focused on the construction of Chilean national imaginaries, the notions of memory and oblivion, the poetics of ruins and illness.

Juan Daniel Cid Hidalgo, University of Concepción

D. in Latin American Literature, assistant professor of the Spanish Department, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Universidad de Concepción (Chile). He is director of the Master's program in Hispanic Literatures. For some years his research revolves around contemporary literary issues such as figurations of madness in the Chilean and Latin American novel (FONDECYT 3100007 / IR), new readings of classic texts of the Latin American tradition (DIUC 03.F2.05 / COI) and the constitution of a museum dimension of Latin American narrative (FONDECYT 11121221 / IR). He is currently researcher in charge of Pintura, écfrasis y ficción narrativa. Five Chilean novels of the 20th century (VRID 216.062.050- 1.0), co-investigator of Escuelas de verano: historia, memoria y encuentros en vísperas del centenario (VRID 216.064.044-1.0) and director of Theuth. Revista de Humanidades, under the Bachelor of Humanities of the Universidad de Concepción (Chile). He has systematically participated as evaluator of FONDECYT projects and permanently leads university extension projects. Lately he has been invited to participate in the evaluation process of scholarships in CONICYT.


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2022-04-16 — Updated on 2022-04-28


How to Cite

Albornoz Toloza, V. A., & Cid Hidalgo, J. D. (2022). Nostalgic Decrepitude in the Realism of Adolfo Couve (1940-1998): «El picadero», «El parque», and «Balneario». Lingüística Y Literatura, 43(81), 406–425. (Original work published April 16, 2022)