Nuclear Pitch Accents of Statements in the Spanish of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. Approach in Real Time
prosody, nuclear pitch accent, sociolinguistics, linguistic change, Mexican SpanishAbstract
This paper describes the nuclear pitch accents of the statements in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, from the perspective of real time, in the decades 1970 and 2010. The prosodic description is based on the autosegmental metrical model, with the support of sociolinguistic factors. The findings shows that L+¡H* nuclear pitch accent is the most documented in both periods. In the current data there is a decrease in L+¡H* and a moderate increase in the use of L+H*, with rise less than 3 semitones. Thus, indications of retraction of the bitonal nuclear accents are observed in broad focus statements.
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