Condylar hyperplasia, diagnosis and clinical management: a clinical case report
Condyle, Facial asymmetry, Segemental mandibulectomy, High condylectomu, High condylectomyAbstract
Condylar hyperplasia is a disorder characterized by excessive and progressive growth affecting the condyle, neck, body, and mandibular ramus. Under this condition, mandibular growth occurs in all three planes of space, but more predominantly in one of them. Its etiology is controversial in its own. Some of its suggested causes include: trauma, hypervascularity, infections, and hereditary/intrauterine factors. Treatment protocols are varied, but one of the best treatment choices is high condylectomy. Following is the case of a 16-year old female patient with this anomaly. The physical exam showed free facial asymmetry with mandibular deviation. Treatment consisted of TMJ surgery and high condylectomy plus a second orthodontic stage. The clinical outcomes at two-year follow-up suggest that a second intervention won´t be necessary. Patient was very satisfied with the results.
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