Instructions to authors
- Types of articles
- Recommended guidelines for the reporting of studies
- Formal aspects for the submission of articles
- Style for references
Submissions should comply with the latest version of the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (available at and meet the terms set out herein, as well the specific recommendations for this Journal. Authors are required to strictly adhere to the editorial rules set out herein, in order to facilitate the editorial process, so that it can be accomplished quickly and efficiently.
Our Journal accepts submissions in Spanish or English. However, as of the second semester of 2018 it is being published in English only. The Journal does not charge authors any type of fee for submitting, processing, or translating articles, nor does it have any kind of exemption policy. Manuscripts sent to Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia are evaluated by two double-blind pair reviewers, of which at least one is external. Reviewers should hold a master’s degree or a PhD and must have publications in the last two years.
Works submitted to the Journal must be unpublished, meaning that neither the article nor part of it may have been published or be submitted for publication in another journal, with the exception of briefs or press reports published for scientific conventions. In agreement with the editor-in-chief, the data contained in an article may be publicly available in advance.
Types of articles
The Journal publishes the following types of articles
- Original article: An unpublished paper resulting from a research project that makes contributions to scientific knowledge. Original articles should have no more than 3,500 words plus abstract (in English and Spanish), figures and references. Up to 6 tables and/or figures are allowed, and a maximum of 35 bibliographic references are recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. It includes a structured abstract of 250 words. The main text of the manuscript should be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
- Short original article: A paper with the same characteristics of an original article but in an abbreviated form due to the concretion of its results. It should have 1,500 words maximum plus abstract (in English and Spanish), figures and references. Short articles include up to 2 tables and/or figures, and a maximum of 15 bibliographic references are recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. It includes a structured summary of 150 words. The main text of the manuscript should contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
- Systematic review: A paper resulting from a bibliometric study of systematic descriptive reviews or those using methodological approaches such as meta-analysis or meta-synthesis. They should have 4,500 words maximum and should contain up to 6 tables or figures and a maximum of 100 bibliographic references. They include a structured abstract of 250 words. The main text of the manuscript should contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
- Topic review: It is a "state of the art" of a specific topic. It should include an abstract and introduction, as well as additional sections that make the reading more clear, complete and agile. It should be based on at least 50 bibliographical references. It should have 3,500 words maximum and no more than 100 bibliographical references are recommended. It includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
- Case report: This is the presentation of a case, with emphasis on one aspect or peculiarity of it. It must include a literature review. It should have no more than 3,500 words, and a maximum of 35 bibliographical references is recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. It includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
- Academic essay: A philosophical or scientific writing where the author presents and defends his/her opinion on a specific topic. It should have no more than 3,500 words, and a maximum of 100 bibliographic references is recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. Ii includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
- Notes on research and dental education: It is an unpublished text presenting contributions on new conceptual or methodological tools in the field, that can be of interest to researchers and scholars in the field of dentistry. It is no more than 2,500 words in length, and a maximum of 35 bibliographical references is recommended, provided that 75% have been published in the last 10 years. It includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
- Editorials: The Journal publishes editorials on behalf of the Editorial Board and also by request of interested authors, prior evaluation by the Editorial Board. All editorials are subjected to external review and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board. These contributions can address issues of academic or political relevance of importance to dentistry and its different specialties and fields. They should be no more than 2,000 words in length and include up to 10 bibliographic references (75% published in the last 10 years) and a maximum of two tables and/or figures.
- Letters to the editor: This section accepts scientific or academic contributions of interest on various aspects in the different fields of dentistry. Letters to the editor should have a maximum of 500 words, 5 current bibliographic references, and 2 tables and/or figures.
- Errata, notes of concern and retractions: This section addresses errors detected after the publication of articles in the Journal, or in case that a violation to the ethical requirements for scientific publication is detected.
In response to needs within academia, the Editorial Board may consider the inclusion of other sections in the Journal, with submissions that have not been described in the preceding paragraphs, but which may be of use to the scientific community in accordance with international publication standards.
Table 1 summarizes the main characteristics of each type of manuscript:
Table 1: Main characteristics of the types of submissions accepted by the Journal
Type of submission |
Type of abstract and number of words |
Recommended number of words in main text |
Number and type of bibliographic references allowed |
Maximum number of tables and/or figures |
Original article |
Structured abstract: 250 words |
3,500 |
35 references (75% must have been published in the last 10 years) |
6 tables and/or figures |
Short original article |
Structured abstract: 150 words |
1,500 |
15 references (75% must have been published in the last 10 years) |
2 tables and/or figures |
Systematic review |
Structured abstract: 250 words |
4,500 |
100 references |
6 tables and/or figures |
Topic review |
Unstructured abstract: 200 words |
3,500 |
60 references |
At the discretion of the Editorial Board |
Academic essay |
Unstructured abstract: 200 words |
3,500 |
60 references |
At the discretion of the Editorial Board |
Notes on Research and dental education |
Unstructured abstract: 200 words |
2,500 |
35 references (75% must have been published in the last 10 years) |
At the discretion of the Editorial Board |
Editorial |
No abstract required |
2,000 |
10 current bibliographic references |
At the discretion of the Editorial Board |
Letters to the editor |
No abstract required |
500 |
5 current bibliographic references |
2 tables and/or figures |
Recommended guidelines for the reporting of studies
In order to comply with publication standards and to ensure transparency and quality in publications, authors must abide by the guidelines established by experts for the reporting of different study types. These guidelines have been compiled by the EQUATOR Network in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). This information can be consulted on the web page: In addition, the following table presents additional resources for specific search according to the chosen guideline.
Table 2. Available sources of information for the reporting of different types of studies
Type of study |
Guideline |
Sources of information |
Systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis) |
Meta-analysis of observational studies |
Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, Olkin I, Williamson GD, Rennie D, Moher D, Becker BJ, Sipe TA, Thacker SB. Meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology: a proposal for reporting. Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) group. JAMA. 2000; 283(15):2008-2012. DOI: 10.1001/jama.283.15.2008 |
Case reports |
CARE | |
Observational studies |
Clinical trials |
Clinical practice guidelines |
Animal pre-clinical studies |
Qualitative research |
O’Brien BC, Harris IB, Beckman TJ, Reed DA, Cook DA. Standards for reporting qualitative research: a synthesis of recommendations. Acad Med. 2014;89(9):1245-1251. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.000000000000038 |
Tong A, Sainsbury P, Craig J. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. Int J Qual Health Care. 2007;19(6):349-357. ttps:// |
Formal aspects for the submission of articles
Papers can be submitted in English or Spanish through Open Journal System (OJS) Authors must sign up and follow the FIVE STEPS set out in the system:
- Start
- Enter metadata
- Upload the main file
- Upload additional files
- Confirmation.
To avoid any inconveniences, these steps must be completed consecutively and in a single session. Authors are asked to be very rigorous in the fulfillment of these steps and to record the data of all co-authors.
The following files should be attached:
Step 3: Main File
A file with a .doc or .docx extension containing the article itself, which will be accessible to reviewers (it should not contain any identifiable name or data, in order to guarantee the double-blind review process). It must be organized as follows:
First page:
It must include a Spanish and English title that clearly reflects the contents of the work, as well as an abstract and keywords.
Authors must bear in mind the number of words required in the abstract according to the type of submission. In the case of structured abstracts in Spanish and English, they must contain Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. References in this page should be avoided.
The abstract must be followed by no more than five keywords or short sentences that help index the article. Spanish keywords must be selected based on the descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS), developed by Bireme and used in LILACS, which can be consulted in the “DeCS Search” link at English keywords should be consulted in the Medical Sub-Subject Headings of Index Medicus,
Second page and successive pages:
This is the main text of the submission. It must be written in a double-spaced column, paginated, in Times New Roman size 12 font. It should include: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions in the case of original articles resulting from research. If abbreviations or acronyms are used, they must be preceded by the complete words from which they originate the first time they appear. The number of words allowed according to article type should be respected.
Final pages:
These contain the bibliographical references (See "Style of references" below), tables and figures.
Tables must be identified with Arabic numerals according to the order of appearance in the text. Table titles should go at the top and the figures titles at the bottom. Column headings should state the symbols of the units used. Abbreviations should be explained in footnotes.
Tables must be typed in a Word document (and never as images), in order to ensure a good impression.
Photographs, graphs, and drawings (figures) must be identified with Arabic numerals according to the order of appearance in the text. The scale used in micro-photographs should be indicated at the end of corresponding captions. Both color and black & white photographs must have enough sharpness and contrast to allow for a good impression. The Editorial Board has limited the number of tables and figures according to type of article. In some cases, such as statistical data figures, the original file may be requested in order to ensure good resolution in the publication.
Photographs of people should not allow their identification.
When a figure or table has already been previously published, the author’s permission for reproduction must be attached, and the original publication must be credited.
Step 4: Complementary files
The author should be attach:
A file with a .doc or .docx extension. It should be organized as follows:
First page:
It contains the identification data of the article: Title in Spanish and English, full names of the authors with their academic degrees and institutional affiliation; sources of funding (if any), word count (including abstract and main text) and number of bibliographic references. The corresponding author’s name must be specified, including additional information like address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
Second page:
Declarations of authorship, financing, acknowledgments, and conflict of interest
Declarations of authorship: It should be borne in mind that, for someone to be considered the author of a work, it is essential to have made contributions to its conception and design, to the analysis and interpretation of data, or to the revision of a part of the article with important contributions. A separate paragraph describing the contributions of each author of the manuscript should be included.
Financing: The institutions that fully or partially financed the completion of the work submitted to the Journal must be recognized (excluding the institutional affiliation of authors). If no funding was received, it should be stated as "with no funding".
Acknowledgments: At their discretion, authors may include a section acknowledging the intellectual contributions made by institutions, organizations, or persons who are not actual authors but collaborated in the completion of the manuscript or the research project, depending on the case.
Conflict of interest: As part of the submission process, corresponding authors should include a statement of conflicts of interest of all the authors. This conflict of interest information is shared with editors and evaluators. When the manuscript is accepted, each author, including the corresponding author, is asked to complete the Conflict of Interest Statement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). More information about this form can be found at
A letter signed by the authors stating that all of them know the article, agree with its content, and that it has not been published before, nor has it been submitted for publication in another journal, and accept the transfer of rights.
A document indicating the following data for each author: names, surnames, nationality, country of birth, date of birth, I. D. number, type of document, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, institutional affiliation, area, level of education, academic program, ORCID registration (, index H5 in Google Scholar, and updated CvLAC (for authors with Colombian nationality. Information available at
A copy of the documents confirming that the article complies with the Ethics Statement declared by this publication (Minutes of the Ethics Committee in Research or whoever plays this role, register of protocols of systematic reviews in PROSPERO—International Prospective Register Of Systematic Reviews, available at: clinical trials registration at
Works reporting experiments and observations in humans should inform about the ethical considerations of the study and must have the approval of the Bioethics Committee of their institution or whoever plays this role. They must also comply with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. Patients’ anonymity should be maintained and in general articles should avoid mentioning data that allow their identification. Similarly, animal experiments should indicate compliance with ethical standards and must have the approval of the Ethics Committee of their institution or whoever plays this role.
Authors must keep a copy of all material sent.
Authors are recommended to register their institutional signature at and to fill out all the fields in order to avoid inconsistencies in signatures for their publications.
Style for references
References must be inserted in the order of appearance of quotes within the text, in Arabic numerals, and as superscripts. The citation style should be the one accepted by the "Uniform Requirements for Biomedical Journals". All authors should be included if works cited are written by six author or less; if more than six names appear on the article, only the first six are included followed by "et al". Personal communications should not be included in the list of references. Authors are requested to respect the current criterion in the citation of references (last 10 years) and the maximum recommended number of references according to the type of article submitted to the Editorial Board.
Consider the following examples for styling your references:
- Journal articles: Surname and name initials of author and collaborators, title of article, name of journal abbreviated according to the Index Medicus of NLM, ( year of publication; volume number in parentheses: start and end pages. DOI page (if available)
Example: Buchner A, Sciuba J. Peripheral epithelial odontogenic tumors: A review. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987; 63(7): 688-97.
- Articles by corporate authors
Example: European Collaborative Study. Risk factor for mother child transmission of HIV. Lancet 1992; 339:1007-12.
- Books and monographs: Surnames and initials of authors, title of book. Edition, City: Editorial; Year.
Example: Farman AG, Norte CJ, Wood RE. Oral and maxillofacial diagnostic imaging. St. Louis: Mosby; 1993.
- Chapter of a book: Surnames and initials of authors of the chapter. Chapter title. In: Authors or editors of the book. Title of book. Edition. City: Publisher; start and end pages of the chapter.
Example: Dratman MB. Introducción a las enfermedades del sistema endocrino y el mecanismo de acción de las hormonas. En: Rose LE. Medicina Interna en Odontología. Barcelona: Salvat; 1972. pp. 1223-35.
- E-Book: Author(s). Title [CD-ROM]. Edition. Place: Editorial; Year.
Example: Aguilar T, Gómez DP, Botero S, Palacio RT, Ramírez A, Álvarez JC. Higiene oral. [libro en CD-ROM]. 13.ª ed. Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2003.
- Electronic journal
Example: Aguilar T, Gómez DP, Botero S, Palacio RT. La importancia en la higiene oral en los niños. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq [revista en CD-ROM] 2008 [fecha de acceso 11 de mayo de 2009]; 19(2): 48-59.
- Online journal: Author(s) of the article. Title of article. Abbreviated name of the journal [Internet]. Publication date [access date]; volume (number): pages, available at: URL.
Example: Aguilar T, Gómez DP, Botero S, Palacio RT, Ramírez A, Álvarez JC et al. La importancia en la higiene oral en los niños. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq [Internet] 2008 [fecha de acceso: 11 de mayo de 2009]; 19(2): 48-59, available at: tal/page/por tal/bibliotecaSedes.pdf
- Online book
Example: Aguilar T, Gómez DP, Botero S, Palacio RT, Ramírez A, Álvarez JC et al. La importancia en la higiene oral en los niños. [libro en línea] 2008 [fecha de acceso 11 de mayo de 2009], available at: tal/page/por tal/bibliotecaSedesDependencias.pdf
The abbreviation Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq should be used to cite Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia.