Maxillary orthopedics
15 Items
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A cephalometric study in children from Medellín aged 3 to 6 years with class I dental occlusion
|Abstract = 617 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 303 veces| | HTML (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 663 veces| -
A comparison of angle measure reproducibility between manual and computerized tracing
|Abstract = 443 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 47 veces| -
Assessment of Moyers and Tanaka-Johnston mixed dentition analyses for the prediction of mesiodistal diameters of unerupted canines and premolars
|Abstract = 670 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 400 veces| -
Cephalometric assessment of Colombia’s mestizo population aged 6 to 12 years
|Abstract = 1087 veces | PDF = 345 veces| | VÍDEO-ARTÍCULO (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | TABLAS (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | FIGURAS (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | HTML = 59 veces| -
Chewing side preference in children with cleft palate: concordance of three methods
|Abstract = 260 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 64 veces| -
Determining facial biotype based upon phenotypic features through structural equation modeling: a study of three ethnic groups
|Abstract = 925 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 992 veces| -
Head circumference growth curves in children 0 to 3 years of age. a new approach
|Abstract = 617 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 76 veces| -
Occlusal plane inclination in children between 9 and 10 years of age with postural asymmetry: a study on the frontal plane
|Abstract = 464 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 129 veces| -
Occlusal wear pattern during sleep in adolescents aged 12 to 17 years according to Angle’s classification
|Abstract = 1019 veces | PDF = 417 veces| -
Prevalence of dental enamel defects in children and adolescents from pasto, Colombia
|Abstract = 383 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 370 veces| -
Reproducibility of soft tissue cephalometric landmark identification by conventional and digital direct radiography
|Abstract = 269 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 61 veces| -
Skeletal, facial and dentoalveolar changes produced by treatment with acetate plates and class III elastics in patients with skeletal and dental mesiorelation in early decidous or mixed teething
|Abstract = 287 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 55 veces| -
Smile characteristics in children with normal occlusion
|Abstract = 774 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 267 veces| -
Variation of craniofacial morphological patterns in class I, II, and III skeletal relationships
|Abstract = 501 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 99 veces| -
Vertical facial growth peaks before the age of 12 and their relation with pubertal development in 44 untreated Colombian mestizos
|Abstract = 346 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 120 veces|