Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- This article, nor part of it has been published in another journal.
- The attachment is in Word.
The manuscript complies with the maximum number of words required for each type of article (see Instructions to authors)
- Home with titles and authors with superscripts. Must be specified if the paper is required to qualify for a degree.
- All pages are listed
- The text is double spaced and the font is Times New Roman, size 12 including tables, figures, footnotes, photos, etc..
- Article in English or Spanish
- The summary and abstract are structured: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions (for articles resulting from research).
- References specific to the article in Spanish and English after the list of authors. To cite a reference to the Journal of the Faculty of Dentistry, use the abbreviation Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq
- Palabras Clave based at DeCS y Key Words según Medical Subject Headings
- Words RECEIVED: ACCEPTED: Located before the start of the article.
- The numbers go to the level of text, not as superscripts and followed by a period and tab. For references to scientific journals should cite the short title (only if you have it).
We ask authors to submit the following information and send in attachment:
IN CASE OF BEING A COLOMBIAN AUTHOR, PLEASE ATTACH THE CVLAC LINK WITH YOUR UPDATED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (If the Colombian author does not have a cvlac, he/she must create one, otherwise the article will not be published) -
The study has been approved by the Bioethics/Ethics Committee and has all the ethical requirements for research
- The authors' names and surnames are presented as follows: Andrés Alonso Agudelo-Suárez (first and second surname hyphenated).
Introductory article which includes the institutional and collective opinion of the Journal, reflecting the main topics to be discussed today.
An unpublished paper resulting from a research project that makes contributions to scientific knowledge. Original articles should have no more than 3,500 words plus abstract (in English and Spanish), figures and references. Up to 6 tables and/or figures are allowed, and a maximum of 35 bibliographic references are recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. It includes a structured abstract of 250 words. The main text of the manuscript should be organized in the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions
A paper with the same characteristics of an original article but in an abbreviated form due to the concretion of its results. It should have 1,500 words maximum plus abstract (in English and Spanish), figures and references. Short articles include up to 2 tables and/or figures, and a maximum of 15 bibliographic references are recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. It includes a structured summary of 150 words. The main text of the manuscript should contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
A paper resulting from a bibliometric study of systematic descriptive reviews or those using methodological approaches such as meta-analysis or meta-synthesis. They should have 4,500 words maximum and should contain up to 6 tables or figures and a maximum of 100 bibliographic references. They include a structured abstract of 250 words. The main text of the manuscript should contain the following sections: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions.
It is a "state of the art" of a specific topic. It should include an abstract and introduction, as well as additional sections that make the reading more clear, complete and agile. It should be based on at least 50 bibliographical references. It should have 3,500 words maximum and no more than 100 bibliographical references are recommended. It includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
This is the presentation of a case, with emphasis on one aspect or peculiarity of it. It must include a literature review. It should have no more than 3,500 words, and a maximum of 35 bibliographical references is recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. It includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
A philosophical or scientific writing where the author presents and defends his/her opinion on a specific topic. It should have no more than 3,500 words, and a maximum of 100 bibliographic references is recommended, provided that 75% of them have been published in the last 10 years. Ii includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
It is an unpublished text presenting contributions on new conceptual or methodological tools in the field, that can be of interest to researchers and scholars in the field of dentistry. It is no more than 2,500 words in length, and a maximum of 35 bibliographical references is recommended, provided that 75% have been published in the last 10 years. It includes an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
This section accepts scientific or academic contributions of interest on various aspects in the different fields of dentistry. Letters to the editor should have a maximum of 500 words, 5 current bibliographic references, and 2 tables and/or figures.
Copyright Notice
Copyright Notice
Copyright comprises moral and patrimonial rights.
1. Moral rights: are born at the moment of the creation of the work, without the need to register it. They belong to the author in a personal and unrelinquishable manner; also, they are imprescriptible, unalienable and non negotiable. Moral rights are the right to paternity of the work, the right to integrity of the work, the right to maintain the work unedited or to publish it under a pseudonym or anonymously, the right to modify the work, the right to repent and, the right to be mentioned, in accordance with the definitions established in article 40 of Intellectual property bylaws of the Universidad (RECTORAL RESOLUTION 21231 of 2005).
2. Patrimonial rights: they consist of the capacity of financially dispose and benefit from the work trough any mean. Also, the patrimonial rights are relinquishable, attachable, prescriptive, temporary and transmissible, and they are caused with the publication or divulgation of the work. To the effect of publication of articles in the journal Revista de la Facultad de Odontología, it is understood that Universidad de Antioquia is the owner of the patrimonial rights of the contents of the publication.
The content of the publications is the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Neither the printing press, nor the editors, nor the Editorial Board will be responsible for the use of the information contained in the articles.
I, we, the author(s), and through me (us), the Entity for which I, am (are) working, hereby transfer in a total and definitive manner and without any limitation, to the Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia, the patrimonial rights corresponding to the article presented for physical and digital publication. I also declare that neither this article, nor part of it has been published in another journal.
Open Access Policy
The articles published in our Journal are fully open access, as we consider that providing the public with free access to research contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.
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The Journal offers its content to third parties without any kind of economic compensation or embargo on the articles. Articles are published under the terms of a Creative Commons license, known as Attribution – NonCommercial – Share Alike (BY-NC-SA), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited and that the new productions are licensed under the same conditions.
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