Hemifacial microsomia: a literature review


  • Sebastián| Véliz-Méndez Universidad de Chile
  • Pamela Agurto-V. Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna
  • Noemí| Leiva-V. Universidad de Chile




Facial asymmetry, Craniofacial anomalies, Hemifacial microsomia


Hemifacial microsomia is the second congenital malformation in prevalence, after cleft lip and palate, and is described as a congenital alteration of the first and second branchial arches. As a condition of wide spectrum, its characteristics are expressed in many different ways and therefore treatments are usually individualized. This topic review discusses its etiology, classification, characteristics, and treatment with mandibular surgery.

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Author Biographies

Sebastián| Véliz-Méndez, Universidad de Chile

DDS, Intern in Craniofacial Malformation, Universidad de Chile School of Dentistry

Pamela Agurto-V., Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna

Orthodontist. Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna, Chile

Noemí| Leiva-V., Universidad de Chile

Assistant Professor. Universidad de Chile School of Dentistry. Orthodontist. Hospital Luis Calvo Mackenna, Chile


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How to Cite

Véliz-Méndez, S., Agurto-V., P., & Leiva-V., N. (2016). Hemifacial microsomia: a literature review. Revista Facultad De Odontología Universidad De Antioquia, 27(2), 404–424. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rfo.v27n2a9